

DOJ Doubles Health Care Civil Fraud Penalties

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) published an interim final rule on June 30th that dramatically increased potential civil penalties under the Civil False Claims Act and the Federal Anti-Kickback Statute. Currently, violations of the …..

July 28th, 2016|Categories: Civil Monetary Penalties, Fraud & Abuse Compliance, Health Law|Tags: |

La. DHH Proposes New Rules to Limit Freestanding Emergency Departments

The Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) published two notices of intent in the July 2016 edition of the Louisiana Register related to free-standing emergency departments (EDs). One proposed rules would prohibit free-standing EDs from operating …..

July 25th, 2016|Categories: Health Law|Tags: |

Final 60-Day Rule for Reporting and Returning Overpayments

Quantification Required as Part of “Identifying” and Overpayment Six years after issuing its Proposed Rule, CMS released its final 60-Day Rule for reporting and returning overpayments. The Final 60-Day Rule is more industry-friendly, but still …..

July 14th, 2016|Categories: Health Law, Medicare & Medicaid Payment Rules|Tags: , |

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